What is the topic of musical criticism? Questions about an argument duel in Chinese Piano by Étienne Barilier





Étienne Barilier, Musical Criticism, Music Critic, Musical Aesthetic, Musical Performance Pratice, Classical Music


This article deals with the topic of musical criticism, especially performance practice, asking a basic question about what is evaluated and what determines the value of the performance of a work. The reference point is a theoretical presentation of a music critic and musical criticism, including their definitions, objective and subjective factors influencing opinions, etc. A juxtaposition is made between the theory that cannot capture what is ephemeral, occasional, subjective, human, in which the objective description sometimes borders on wishful thinking, and the situation presented in the literature, operating as art, and more possibilities. The essential part of the article is thus an interpretation of a brilliant novel in blogs entitled Chinese piano by Étienne Barilier, a Swiss writer and philosopher. The interpretation focuses on a duel between reviews, arguments focused around the performance at the summer festival of Chinese pianist Mei Jin, which allows taking up the subject of the critic’s work and the subject of musical criticism in general. Questions are asked about the performer (their skills, appearance, country of origin, and culture), context of other performers, time, place and conditions of performance (including the impact of different senses), and the critic himself, including not only his taste and competence, but also everything that shapes him as a human being. Eventually, we get a few answers and a lot of questions that allow us to highlight some issues again.


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Author Biography

Elżbieta Zarych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Polonistyki, Katedra Edytorstwa i Nauk Pomocniczych; ul. Gołębia 16, 31-007 Kraków

Elżbieta Zarych, dr, komparatystka, polonistka, redaktorka, tłumaczka literatury niemieckiej i włoskiej. Pracownik Katedry Edytorstwa i Nauk Pomocniczych na Wydziale Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Interesuje się szeroko pojętymi badaniami indyscyplinarnymi i porównawczymi, skupionymi wokół literatury, wyobraźni, książki, ilustracji oraz przekładu. Autorka licznych prac poświęconych literaturze i kulturze XIX–XXI w., a także pozycji edukacyjnych, leksykonów i słowników. Ostatnio opublikowała książki Romantycy, myśliciele, inspiratorzy (2010) i Karol I Habsburg. Chrześcijański cesarz końca monarchii (2015) oraz rozprawy „Nocna rozmowa” – nokturn w muzyce, literaturze i malarstwie romantyzmu (2015), Geograficzno-literacki szkic piórkiem (Kunzischer Riss) – mapa berlińskiego i fantastycznego świata E.T.A. Hoffmanna (2016), Zielnik wróżek, zielnik wyobraźni – L’herbier des fées (Zielnik wróżek) Benjamina Lacombe’a i Sébastiena Pereza (2017), Wyobraźnia, Kolberg i demonologia słowiańska w „Innych baśniach” Zbigniewa Brzozowskiego (2018).


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How to Cite

Zarych, E. (2019). What is the topic of musical criticism? Questions about an argument duel in Chinese Piano by Étienne Barilier. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 52(1), 379–397. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.52.22