Film lessons as a multifaceted form of studying Russian language and culture in summer school for Polish students


  • Евгений Стефанский Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С. П. Королева (Самара, Россия)



Russian as a foreign language, film lessons, “language” of cinema, adaptation of literary works, satire and humor in literature and cinema


The article summarizes the experience of conducting film lessons for Polish students studying the Russian language. At the film lessons on the film Silvery Lily of the Valley students of advanced level mastered lexical paradigms, Russian slang, emotional conversational constructions, discussed the development of the main characters. At the film lessons on the adaptation of the poem by N. Gogol Dead Souls a multi-faceted historical commentary took place, and the problem of the embodiment of Gogol’s poem in the cinema was discussed. In the lesson for the students of the basic level the stories from the children’s humorous magazine Yeralash were analyzed and the nature of the comic problem were considered. The film lessons proved to be a multifaceted form of language classes, which allows to touch on both linguistic issues and the problems of other humanities.


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How to Cite

Стефанский, Е. (2018). Film lessons as a multifaceted form of studying Russian language and culture in summer school for Polish students. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (15), 117–128.