Synergetic Analysis of Word-Forming Processes as Reactions to Kazakh Realness


  • Тогжан Жапарова Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая, Кафедра русского языка и литературы image/svg+xml



synergetics, dissipativity, entropy, chaos and order, bifurcation, fluctuation, word formation, communicative environment


The article characterizes language not only as a way of communication, but as a complex and open system that is capable to react to modern reality. Under the external influences, the language system loses its balance. This process becomes more complicated due to the constant flow of information and its exchange with the external environment. The focus is on periods of transition, replacement with a new one, caused by disordering, the formation of a dissipative system, accompanied with entropy, the period of formation of a new one – a bifurcation process, as well as the attraction (attractor) of a dynamic system, which leads to frequent use and the development of word-formation forms. As a result, it contributes to the formation or correction of the norm, other features are acquired, where we observe how new elements take root in the language and in the process of functioning of two languages – Kazakh and Russian. The relevance lies on the analysis of the process of a word-forming phenomenon during the January unrests in 2022, in Kazakhstan shown in mass media.

The whole process is considered from the synergy position. In this case, synergetics makes it possible to see in it approaches for analyzing changes in the language by reaching a point of balance, adaptation and acceptance of language elements.

The purpose of this article is to identify and study the synergistic aspects of the adaptation analyses of word-formation forms in a foreign language environment, where the choice is determined from the varieties of what is currently known. The article reflects the basic concepts of this trend in modern linguistics as well as.


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2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-02-29


How to Cite

Жапарова, Т. (2024). Synergetic Analysis of Word-Forming Processes as Reactions to Kazakh Realness. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (22), 73–83. (Original work published December 30, 2023)