The grammeme transposition as a linguistic phenomenon


  • Лариса Наконечная ГВУЗ «Прикарпатский национальный университет имени Василия Стефаныка» (Украина)



grammeme transposition, grammatical transposition, language transposition, grammatical category


This article deals with the analysis of the grammeme transposition as a manifestation of the grammar transposition and the whole language one generally. The grammeme transposition is one of realisation method of the grammatical transposition and is realised between components of different grammatical categories. The terms of realisation and the ways of identification of the grammeme transposition have been analysed at the work.

The author referes to the scientific approach which is focused on a comprehensive study of the linguistic phenomena; the formal grammatical analysis; functional and communicative parameters as well as lexical-semantic parameters of grammatical categories and grammatical units. This approach to the analysis of linguistic facts is the conceptual framework for the researching of the grammeme transposition (as well as the language transposition generally).


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How to Cite

Наконечная, Л. (2015). The grammeme transposition as a linguistic phenomenon. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (11), 83–90.