Bilingual vernacular


  • Damina Shajbakova Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая (Казахстан)



bilingual vernacular, verbal, behavioral, associative interferences


In this article we discuss qualification of bilingual speech type, which is usually called nonnative speech, pidgin, colloquial speech. It is characterized by deviance, entropy of norm for all levels of language, speech and pragmatics. Verbal, behavioral, associative interferences are explained by the reasons that the bilingual in a second language speech looks for support in his own language, own culture, in his individual cognitive experience. All of the above form a functional type of speech, which I call a bilingual vernacular. It takes its own place in classification of functional types of speech, increasing their paradigm due to nonnative speech implementation. In bilingual vernacular communication a distancing from the norm is explained by the lack of its credibility in native speech. There is a parallelism of bilingual speech functional types: by means of facilitation the native communicative experience is transferred into the second language speech.


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How to Cite

Shajbakova, D. (2015). Bilingual vernacular. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (11), 141–148.