„Oak counterweight”. Semantic and stylistic functions of the word „table” in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry


  • Татьяна Степновска Лодзинский университет, кафедра русской литературы и культуры Института русистики




Marina Tsvetaeva, russian poetry, literary motive for the table


The article attempts to analyze semantic and stylistic functions of the word ‘table’ in Marina Tsvetaeva’s 1933 poetic cycle Table, which consists of seven poems, as well as in her last work, “I keep repeating the first poem” (1941).Tsvetaeva assigns several new meanings to the word „table”. Table is for her a synonym of creativity, hard work, God’s gift, a guardian and a friend, a bedrock, a throne, a road sign, and a plank for a coffin. In her last poem it becomes a tombstone, a grave where she longed to find herself after her daughter and husband were arrested in 1939.


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How to Cite

Степновска, Т. (2016). „Oak counterweight”. Semantic and stylistic functions of the word „table” in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (12), 149–161. https://doi.org/10.18778/1731-8025.12.14