Some Characteristics of the Use of Literary Texts in the Distant Teaching of Russian to Turkish Philology Students




global epidemic of Covid-19, Russian as a foreign language, remote learning, literary texts


In scientific and methodological work of such researchers as A.N. Shukin, A.N. Bogomolov, M.N. Moiseeva, E.S. Polat, O.A. Uskova, L.V. Ippolitova, etc. distant Russian language teaching has been repeatedly addressed as a subject. The subject became relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic. Remote teaching forces lecturers to choose such principles, methods and materials of Russian language teaching that would be effective in the conditions of virtual education.

The aim of this paper is to develop an algorithm of online classes for foreign students using literary texts, which would satisfy their requirements and increase motivation for learning, and frame some principles of teaching Russian online to such learners.

The author explores some characteristics of the use of literary texts that make classes attractive to foreign students. The article discusses the guidelines of the teaching of Russian as a foreign language online. The example provided by the author is an online lesson for philology students in the Russian Language and Literature programme at Istanbul University, level B1, with the use of K.G. Paustovski’s story, Nastya the Lace Maker.

The paper aims to highlight the requirements of understanding new educational conditions, the changing process of teaching Russian as a foreign language and the requirement to increase the quality of preparation of foreign students who learn the Russian language distantly.


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How to Cite

Shengyuder, Z. (2021). Some Characteristics of the Use of Literary Texts in the Distant Teaching of Russian to Turkish Philology Students. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (20), 133–143.