On Some Peculiarities in the Formal Structure of Word Combinations in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Protection in the Modern Bulgarian and Russian Languages


  • Kristiyana Simeonova Институт боИнститут болгарского языка, Болгарская академия наук, София 1113, бул. Шипченски проход 52, бл. 17лгарского языка, Болгарская академия наук, София 1113, бул. Шипченски проход 52, бл. 17 image/svg+xml https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9161-853X




ecology, terminology, word combination, formal-structural model, comparative terminology


The purpose of this article is to consider the formal structure of terms from the field of ecology in the modern Bulgarian and Russian languages. This question is very important for creating an accurate linguistic form of terms. Their formal structure and syntactic relationship between their components are considered, and some basic formal structural models are presented, according to which it is possible to draw a number of conclusions about the linguistic form of combinations of terms in the two languages. There are basically three main conclusions: 1. In both languages, the number of ecological terms is very large. Therefore, questions about their linguistic features, their formation and functioning in the language are increasingly attracting the attention of terminologists both in Bulgaria and in Russia. 2. Quantitatively, there are more non-prepositional phrases in Russian than in Bulgarian. This is due to the fact that Russian is a synthetic language with a well-developed case system, while Bulgarian is an analytical language that does not have a case system. Case constructions in Russian are usually replaced by prepositions in Bulgarian. 3. Multi-component phrases with or without a preposition in Bulgarian and Russian differ in a relatively long form. Too long a form makes communication much more difficult and makes sentences using these terms too long and vague. However, any reductions should be approached very carefully, given the completeness and accuracy of the information. The purpose of this study objectively implies the use of a synchronous approach that studies and describes certain linguistic phenomena only in a certain specific period of their existence (in this case, the modern period). The main method used is the method of comparative analysis. The consideration of terms in the field of ecology is very important because environmental problems are one of the global concerns of mankind, and they are increasingly attracting public attention in Bulgaria and Russia.


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How to Cite

Simeonova, K. (2021). On Some Peculiarities in the Formal Structure of Word Combinations in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Protection in the Modern Bulgarian and Russian Languages. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (20), 97–106. https://doi.org/10.18778/1731-8025.20.08