Lexical Compatibility of Adjectives with the Semantics of the Inexpressible (Based on Lexicographic Sources)





semantics of inexpressible, adjectives, one-word lexemes, lexical compatibility, lexicographic sources


The article discusses and reviews the typical features of lexical compatibility of one-word lexemes with the semantics of inexpressible based on available lexicographic sources. The scientific works of Yu.D. Apresyan, N.Z. Kotelova, V.V. Morkovkin and others are devoted to the study of various aspects of compatibility of lexemes. The purpose is to study the combinability properties of adjectives with the semantics of the inexpressible. To determine nominations for marking one-word constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible, various types of dictionaries were analysed, and the continuous sampling method was used.

The author demonstrates that one-word lexemes with the semantics of the inexpressible in the meaning of “difficult to express”, “difficult to convey in words” are combined with nouns denoting the inner world, feelings, emotions (positive and negative), and abstract concepts, objects of speech. Lexemes with the meaning “very strong”, “extraordinary” are combined with nouns denoting a negative assessment of the surrounding reality, the inner world, emotions, and the depth of feelings.

Observations on the lexeme compatibility with the semantics of the inexpressible in lexicographic sources have shown that these adjectives are combined with nouns that can be used in groups: “the inner world of man”, “feelings, emotions”, and “evaluation”.

The compatibility value of lexemes with the semantics of the inexpressible is manifested in syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between words expressing feelings (love, fear), emo­tions (excitement, joy), abstract nominations, objects (beauty, colour), evaluation of reality (dirt, disorder).

As regard further studies, it is recommended to consider the category of lexemes compatibility with the semantics of the inexpressible on the material of newspaper discourse.


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How to Cite

Nemich, N. (2021). Lexical Compatibility of Adjectives with the Semantics of the Inexpressible (Based on Lexicographic Sources). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (20), 85–95. https://doi.org/10.18778/1731-8025.20.07