The world in the mirror of the Fashion Dictionary


  • Людмила Кравцова Каунасский технологический университет, Факультет социальных, гуманитарных наук и искусств, Kаунас, Литовская республика ул. K. Донелайчио 73, 44249



fashion industry, the world picture, elite fashion, vestimentary fashion, mass fashion, differential semantic features


The article discusses the language of vestimentary fashion, which has recently become an object of interest for linguists studying the language and discourse of texts about fashion. The author offers a linguistic and cultural analysis of the fashion lexicon in contrast to previous linguistic studies. The purpose of the study was to reconstruct a certain fragment of the world picture of the Fashion Dictionary, which is an appendix to the Electronic Encyclopaedia of Fashion. The object of research is a group of words denoting fashion institutions. As a result of the study, differential features were identified by which the structure of the fashion business can be described. On the basis of the selected features, the author comes to the conclusion that the Fashion Dictionary reflects the social differentiation of society.


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How to Cite

Кравцова, Л. (2020). The world in the mirror of the Fashion Dictionary. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (19), 79–89.