Toponymy-derived names of the Grodno region in journalistic and literary texts


  • Инна Бубнович Гродненский государственный университет имени Янки Купалы, Филологический факультет, кафедра русской филологии, 230023, Гродно, ул. Ожешко 22



toponymic derivatives, toponymy-derived names, function, journalistic text, literary text, katoikonym, derivation


The article problematizes the formation of regional toponymic derivatives a well as identifying the attributes of their functioning in the journalistic and literary texts on the life of the Grodno region. Studies focusing on the analysis of regional features of onyms and toponymic derivatives of the Gomel region, Western Polesie, Poozerye are also referred to. The lexicographic registration of administrative names of the Grodno region (districts, village councils) was carried out by E. Rapanovich. The questions of systematization of toponymic derivatives, the degree of their standardization and conformity to the overall trends in the development of the Belarusian language, the manifestation of regional peculiarities in their formation and functioning need scientific consideration. Therefore, the study of this lexical group is of current concern and social significance. The analysis of toponymic derivatives of the Grodno region extracted from Old Belarusian and modern texts reveals common features in their word-building patterns, their ability to combine with certain lexico-semantic groups, which is attributed to the continuity in the development of toponymic system of different periods, stability of toponymic patterns, and methods and means of toponymic derivation. Toponymy-derived adjectives with the -ск- (-цк-) suffix used in the mass-media are employed in the nomenclature proper names of various organizations and enterprises. Тoponymic derivatives with the -шчына formant are used as the names of regions and territories, the names of residents of the localities of the Grodno region and built with the suffixes -анін, -анк-а, -ан-, -еўчан-е, -чанін/ -чан-е, -ец/-цы, -авец/-аўцы, -енец/-енцы. The relevant feature of toponymic derivatives in the analyzed works of V. Adamchik and V. Korotkevich is their direct connection with the overall Belarusian and specific Grodno region patterns, which generates the effect of reality and performs text-building, localizing, nominative, regional identification, and other functions. The differences in the use of toponymic derivatives by the authors stem not only from their original writing style and creative manner but also from the characteristics of the periods and events described, which determines how these means are selected and used in texts, as well as the range of functions that they fulfill.


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How to Cite

Бубнович, И. (2020). Toponymy-derived names of the Grodno region in journalistic and literary texts. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (19), 29–40.