Research article visualization as a prerequisite for methodological competence-building among pre-service teachers of foreign languages




visualization, methodological competence, collage placement of vocabulary, forecasting terms, jigsaw lectures, scientific and methodological articles


The problem of building the methodological competence of future teachers in its various aspects and for different target audiences has been the subject of discussion in numerous methodological studies. Various techniques for the formation of methodological competence focus on identifying its main components or components for differentiating goals, objectives, principles, methods, stages of obtaining knowledge and developing skills, abilities, and strategies. The role of visualization of a scientific article as a means of methodological competence-building has not yet been the subject of research, the results of which would be described in publications available to authors.

The purpose of this work was to find out what role the visualization of a scientific article can play in the formation of methodological competence of future teachers of a foreign language. With this end in view, an analysis of the definitions of methodological competence was carried out, linking to our theoretical and practical experience in conducting lectures and seminars based on students’ visualizations of scientific and methodological texts.

The working hypothesis of this study in connection with many years of practical experience was that the visualization of scientific articles can be used to develop methodological competence. The main guideline was based on the understanding that optimal results would be obtained if students’ visualizations of a scientific article were set in the context of theoretical education and methodological language development of future teachers.

The material of the research was the definitions of methodological competence and the structural and content-related components of a scientific and methodological article, as well as graphic visualization tools.

The studied material afford an opportunity to prioritize terminological competence as that component of methodological competence that can be successfully formed by visualizing a scientific and methodological article by modelling a competent sequence of schematic-tabular visibility, imitating the processes of perceiving a scientific text and generating methodological reasoning on its basis.

In order for the process of formation of methodological competence to become integrated, so that its other components develop relatively concurrently, it is necessary to embed this process in group jigsaw lectures.


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How to Cite

Биркун, Л. В., Пономарева, В. А., Маримонская, Л. А., & Ляшенко, Л. В. (2020). Research article visualization as a prerequisite for methodological competence-building among pre-service teachers of foreign languages. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (19), 13–28.