Circulation epochs based on the Vangengeim-Girs large scale patterns (1891–2010)


  • Jan Degirmendžić Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Katedra Geografii Fizycznej
  • Krzysztof Kożuchowski Filia Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim, Instytut Nauk Leśnych



The Vangengeim-Girs classification, macro-circulation forms, circulation epochs


This paper presents the results of an investigation of the variability in macro-circulation forms at the mid-tropospheric level distinguished in the Vangengeim-Girs (V-G) classification. The annual frequencies of circulation forms in the years 1891–2010 proved significant fluctuations, which provided the basis for distinguishing 7 circulation epochs. The epochs illustrate secular changes in the character of dominant forms – zonal circulation (W) prevailed at the turn of the 20th century; meridional forms E and C developed next, and zonal circulation began to dominate again after 1990.


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How to Cite

Degirmendžić, J., & Kożuchowski, K. (2019). Circulation epochs based on the Vangengeim-Girs large scale patterns (1891–2010). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica, (17), 7–13.


