The stein penitentiary massacre of april 1945 in the media’s coverage of the war crimes trial and in the novel by ROBERT STREIBEL


  • Dagmar Heißler



National Socialist Crime, Stein Penitentiary, War Crimes Trial, History 1945/1946, ROBERT STREIBEL, Politics of memory/remembrance


On 6 April 1945 over 220 political prisoners from the Stein Penitentiary as well as three antifascist prison guards and the prison director were shot by Nazi guards and members of the Volkssturm, the Waffen-SS and the Wehrmacht in order to prevent the release of all prisoners as ordered by the prison management. The same day in Krems an der Donau and its surroundings dozens of inmates were killed with the active participation of the local population (this event became known as the ‚Kremser Hasenjagd‘ – lit. ,Krems hare hunt‘).

ROBERT STREIBELs’ novel April in Stein, a literary exploration of this atrocity committed during the final months of the war, was first published in 2015. After a brief outline of the events that took place in Stein-Krems in April 1945 and their representation in media coverage of the War Crimes Trial before the Austrian People’s Court in August 1946, this paper will discuss how the author approaches this range of complex topics.

Author Biography

Dagmar Heißler

Mag. Dr. phil., Studium der Ethnologie und Germanistik an der Universität Wien, Promotion Deutsche Philologie (2013). Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Lektorin und Korrektorin. Externe Mitarbeiterin FWF-Projekt „Österreichische Kultur und Literatur der 1920er Jahre“ des österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds (2016). – Publikationen u.a.: Ernst Lothar. Schriftsteller, Kritiker, Theaterschaffender (Wien / Köln / Weimar 2016); Der ‚dreifache Tod‘ des Dramatikers Hans Chlumberg. In: ANETA JACHIMOWICZ (ed.): Gegen den Kanon. Österreichische Literatur der Zwischenkriegszeit (Frankfurt a.M. / New York 2017), S. 281-298; Hermann Schürrer und seine lyrischen Texte. In: Treibhaus. Jahrbuch für die Literatur der fünfziger Jahre (München 2017), S. 152-165; Napoleons Geheimarchiv in Brünn. Entstehung und Folgen einer internationalen Falschmeldung (1924/25). In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 67, 3 (2019), S. 246-257.




How to Cite

Heißler, D. (2020). The stein penitentiary massacre of april 1945 in the media’s coverage of the war crimes trial and in the novel by ROBERT STREIBEL. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 121–122.


