Finitheit und Infinitheit: Routinen im Bereich der Kodierung verbaler Prädikationen aus diachroner und typologischer Sicht


  • Monika Schönherr



syntactic strategies, verb predicates, old high German, Gothic language


In this paper I examine the syntactic strategies of omitting the finite verbs in various constructions across the Germanic languages. I explore cases in which the verbs are formally not marked and the so-called covert predication is established. The study will have two aims: Firstly, I try to group individual types of the structures with the covert predication in two typologically distinct language areas: in (Old-High-)German and Gothic as Germanic languages, on the one hand, and Polish as a Slavic language, on the other hand. Secondly, I will investigate the syntactic properties and the semantic components of the non-finite/covert structures.


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How to Cite

Schönherr, M. (2014). Finitheit und Infinitheit: Routinen im Bereich der Kodierung verbaler Prädikationen aus diachroner und typologischer Sicht. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 93–118.


