Routinen der Angstbewältigung in Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg"


  • Nadja Reinhard



fear, Thomas Mann, „Magic Mountai”, cycles of time, ilness, threat to peace


When confronted with a new environment, should we withstand and endure fears in order to learn new routines of coping with anxiety, or rather flee from the danger as quickly as possible? In the hermetic world of his novel The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann has described routines with their circular repetition structure of time as well as the fears which the linear progress of time – in spite of all attempts at repression – causes in the process of the disease and the threat to peace. Whether the ‚hero‘ of the novel will survive the war, remains open at the end of the novel.


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How to Cite

Reinhard, N. (2014). Routinen der Angstbewältigung in Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg". Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 35–49.


