The Performative Magic of Sirens? ADORNO’S Negative Dialectics and German-speaking Contemporary Theater


  • Andreas Englhart



Theodor W. Adorno, performative theatre, the student revolt, counterculture, in the 60s


Why, in April 1969, did ADORNO, the philosopher of the student revolt, the advocate of the avant-garde from Schoenberg to Beckett, flee when he was faced with the performative actions of protesting students with naked breasts? The article discusses connections between ADORNO’S Dialectics of Enlightenment, Negative Dialectics and Aesthetic Theory and the aesthetics of today’s performative and post-dramatic theatre. For ADORNO, theatre remained a place of art, and the revolution did not come to fruition in the performative denial of meaning, in the cruel reality of “sirens”, and in deconstruction, but in the work of art itself, that is supposed to represent the irreconcilable and thus to lead to reconciliation.

Author Biography

Andreas Englhart

Prof. Dr., Studium der Theaterwissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft, Psychologie, Mathematik sowie Physik; Promotion mit einer Arbeit zum Werk von Botho Strauß, Habilitation 2008 zum Theater des Anderen; (Senior)Lecturer (2000-2007), (Lehr)Professor (2007-2011), Gastdozent an den Universitäten Bamberg, Krakau und Bern; 2015 Visiting Professor an der Universität Łódź, 2016 Visiting Scholar an der Chuo Universität Tokyo. Derzeit apl. Professor für Theaterwissenschaft am Department Kunstwissenschaften der LMU München und an der Bayerischen Theaterakademie; Veröffentlichungen u.a. Das Theater der Gegenwart. München 2013; Andreas Englhart, Jörg v. Brincken (eds.): Einführung in die moderne Theaterwissenschaft. Darmstadt 2008; Einführung in das Werk Friedrich Schillers. Darmstadt 2010; Andreas Englhart, Artur Pelka (eds.): Junge Stücke. Junge Autorinnen und Autoren im Gegenwartstheater. Bielefeld 2014; Das Theater des Anderen. Bielefeld 2019 und Andreas Englhart, Franziska Schößler (eds.): Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft, Band 10: Drama. Berlin 2019.


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How to Cite

Englhart, A. (2019). The Performative Magic of Sirens? ADORNO’S Negative Dialectics and German-speaking Contemporary Theater. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 15–30.


