Catholic Youth Association in Szadek in 1934–1939


  • Dorota Stefańska Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Szadku



Catholic Youth Association, Catholic Action, Szadek


The Catholic Youth Association in Szadek was established in 1934, after reorganisation of the Polish Youth Association, which had existed earlier. It carried out religious and social work within the framework of the Catholic Action. The patron of the Association in Szadek in 1934–1939 was the parish priest Rev. Edward Lidtke, and its church assistants were Rev. Stefan Filisiak (1934–1936) and Rev. Bernard Głoskowski (1936–1939). The Szadek troops of male and female youth together with troops in Małyń, Zygry, Zadzim and Korczew formed the Szadek section of the Sieradz branch, which was part of the Włocławek diocese Association. The aim of this organization was to bring up young people in the spirit of the Catholic faith and patriotism. The forms of such education included recollections, “social” days, congresses, conventions, sports competitions and pilgrimages. The events that Szadek youth participated in were, among others, the Eucharistic Congress of the Sieradz Region in Sieradz (1934), district rallies and sporting events (in Zduńska Wola, Sieradz and Złoczew), diocese jamborees (in Charłupia Mała and Włocławek), and a nationwide rally in Częstochowa (1938). The Catholic Association in Szadek did not resume activity after 1945.


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How to Cite

Stefańska, D. (2015). Catholic Youth Association in Szadek in 1934–1939. Biuletyn Szadkowski, 15, 205–223.


