Secular and ecclesiastical administrative affiliation of the Korczew parish


  • Grzegorz Sztandera



Korczew, administrative division, change of borders, church administration


The parish of Korczew was probably established as early as in the 13th century. Over the several centuries of its existence it often changed its administrative jurisdiction, both secular and ecclesiastical. In the secular administrative system, until the Partitioning of Poland it belonged to Sieradz voivodeship. The greatest changes took place after II Partition of Poland in 1973 in the Prussian sector and after the creation of the Congress Kingdom of Poland in 1815, when Korczew parish found itself in the Russion sector. At that time it belonged to Kalisz voivodeship, renamed in 1837 as gubernya. Since the end of World War I (except for the years 1975–1998, when it belonged to Sieradz voivodeship) it has been part of Łódź voivodeship. In the church administration system, the main change was in 1818, when it left Gniezno archdiocese and was incorporated in Włocławek diocese, to which it belongs to this day.


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How to Cite

Sztandera, G. (2015). Secular and ecclesiastical administrative affiliation of the Korczew parish. Biuletyn Szadkowski, 15, 237–245.




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