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Author Biographies

Marinela Golemi, Northern Arizona University

Marinela Golemi is Assistant Teaching Professor of English at Northern Arizona University, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses focused on Shakespeare and English Literature. She specializes in Early Modern English drama and literature, with particular investments in local and global Shakespeare, translation, performance, and adaptation. Other research interests include race, gender, and environmental studies. Her publications appear in Multicultural Shakespeare and Philosophy and Literature. Her forthcoming work focuses on Shakespearean adaptations in Albania.

Xenia Georgopoulou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Xenia Georgopoulou is Assistant Professor at the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She teaches Shakespeare and European drama. Her publications include the books Issues of Gender in Shakespearean and Renaissance Drama (Ζητήματα φύλου στο θέατρο του Σαίξπηρ και της Αναγέννησης, Athens: Papazissis, 2010; revised edn 2020), The Body as Text in Shakespeare’s Plays. The Fashioning of the Sexes (Lewiston: Mellen, 2011), Shakespeare Horizontally and Vertically (Ο Σαίξπηρ οριζοντίως και καθέτως, Athens: Aigokeros, 2019). Her work deals with Shakespearean and Renaissance drama, and her particular interests include issues of gender and otherness, as well as Shakespearean adaptations and references in modern popular culture.


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2022-12-14 — Updated on 2023-12-20


How to Cite

Golemi, M., & Georgopoulou, X. (2023). Theatre Reviews. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 25(40), 187–199. (Original work published December 14, 2022)

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