The Question of the Technique of Verbatim Theatre in Russian Dramaturgy in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century




verbatim technique, documentary drama, documentary theatre, modern Russian drama, Teatr.doc


The start of the third decade of the 21st century marks twenty years of the existence of the verbatim technique in the Russian dramatic space. This article describes the history and specificity of the Russian verbatim theatre, as well as different ways of using and adapting this technique in the plays of the authors associated, permanently or occasionally, with the Moscow-based Teatr.doc. Using the example of texts such as Nord-Ost: Forty-First Day (2002) by journalist and theatre critic Grigory Zaslavsky, New Antigone (2017) by journalist Elena Kostyuchenko, and 67/871 (2017) by dramatist Elena Gremina, it can be concluded that the main differences between verbatim plays are primarily related to the degree of the author’s processing of documentary material. Nord-Ost: Forty-First Day is a transcript of the event that took place in the Teatr.doc, a literal recording of the statements of their participants; New Antigone – the montage of fragments of transcripts of the trials, conversations, life stories of the heroines, and quotes from Sophocles’ Antigone; 67/871 – a montage of fragments of the characters’ monologues united into thematic blocks, quotes from statements from Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, and letters from a German soldier. The variety of ways to create verbatim texts influences the expansion of the boundaries of the concept of “play” and indicates that the traditional sequence of the emergence of a dramatic text and its theatrical embodiment has lost its relevance.

It is concluded that the specificity of verbatim plays fits into the modern trend of the democratisation of theatre and drama, since their rootedness in the world of reality and documentaries opens the way to dramaturgy for those authors who had not been engaged in this type of activity before.


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Author Biography

Paulina Sikora-Krizhevska, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Rusycystyki, Zakład Literatury i Kultury Rosyjskiej, 90-226 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 171/173

Sikora-Krizhevska Paulina – магистр, ассистент кафедры русской литературы и культуры Института русистики Лодзинского университета. Научные интересы: современная русская литература, русская драматургия XXI века, политическая драматургия. Из недавних публикаций: Новейшая русская политическая драматургия в переводах на польский язык (на примере пьес «Час восемнадцать» Елены Греминой и «Три четверти грусти» Полины Бородиной), [в:] Диалог языков и культур: Россия – Польша: материалы международной научной конференции 24–25 декабря 2020 года, ред. В. С. Картавенко, Смоленск 2021, с. 77–82; Повесть «Дядюшкин сон» Федора Михайловича Достоевского и ее театральная переработка (на материале одноименной пьесы Юрия Лоттина), [в:] Świat przedstawiony w literaturze, kulturze i języku, Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ 2020, с. 185–196; Игра с драматургическими традициями в пьесе Анны Кашиной «Дума», «Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica» 2019, № 12, с. 241–249; «Чужое слово» в современной русской политической драме, «Slavia Orientalis» 2018, № 4, с. 691–702.


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How to Cite

Sikora-Krizhevska, P. (2022). The Question of the Technique of Verbatim Theatre in Russian Dramaturgy in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica, (15), 23–32.


