Processes of spatial redistribution of population and changes in educational structure of population: case study of the Košice functional urban region


  • Ladislav Novotný Institute of Geography Faculty of Science Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice image/svg+xml



education, natural reproduction, migration, population, urban region, Košice


The paper focuses on the changes in the processes of spatial redistribution of population in connection with the changes in the educational structure of population. The development of both attributes of population is examined by the case study of the urban region of Košice – the second largest city in Slovakia. Similarly with other urban regions of Central European major cities, the process of centralization of population from the region´s ring to its core changed into the decentralization, during the 1990s. While the natural reproduction of population allowed for population growth of the region as whole, the migration was the driving force of the spatial redistribution of population within the region. Along with the general changes in the educational structure of population related to transformation of educational system recorded in all Visegrad countries, research proves close relations between changes in educational structure of population and the processes of spatial redistribution of population at the intra-regional level of the Košice functional urban region. Changes in the proportion of population with elementary education as the highest educational level attained seem to be affected more by the natural reproduction of population, while the changes in the proportion of population with tertiary education indicate stronger relation with the migration development.


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How to Cite

Novotný, L. (2015). Processes of spatial redistribution of population and changes in educational structure of population: case study of the Košice functional urban region. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (20), 25–44.

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