Perception of the cultural heritage of the Teutonic Order on the example of Puck


  • Łukasz Musiaka Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Katedra Geografii Politycznej i Studiów Regionalnych



Perception, cultural heritage, Teutonic Order, Puck


One of the important places on the map of the former State of the Teutonic Order on the Baltic Sea shore was Puck. Nowadays, there are: parish church, ruins of the castle of the Teutonic Knights and the clearly visible spatial layout of the chartered town with a large market preserved. Except natural attractiveness of the seashore location, elements of the medieval heritage play an important role in the promotion of the town, as well as in shaping a sense of pride and patriotism of the local residents. In the presented article the author attempts to determine the level of knowledge of the people living in the area of the former Teutonic State in the field of history and material cultural heritage of the Teutonic Order. The basis of analyzes were the results of a survey carried out in Puck on May 2015.


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How to Cite

Musiaka, Łukasz. (2016). Perception of the cultural heritage of the Teutonic Order on the example of Puck. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (25), 131–153.